Learn how to plot the flight path of an IAGOS aircraft
To plot the data collected during an IAGOS flight, we access the IAGOS API and download the data for the flight we want to plot. For that, we use the flight ID which is mostly built from the departure time. The Python requests module is handy to retrieve the data as a NetCDF file.
From the downloaded file, we then extract the data set, specifically the GPS latitude and longitude coordinates, and plot them onto a map using the folium package.
The data set of course contains many other atmospheric data recorded en route, like O3_PM (Ozone), which we also could add to the plot.
Finally, it is nice to annotate the map with some visual features, such as the IAGOS logo, more information about the flight etc. All of that can be done using folium.Among other scientific demonstrators you can find in the ENVRI-Hub, we provide an example of how to use Atmospheric and Marine APIs to produce a map with their Stations.